USA Today Crossword Answer for Question: Pay attention to

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Question: Pay attention to

Solution: MIND

MIND Definition 1:
The part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels, and remembers count If something (such as an illness) is all in your/the mind, you are imagining it. If your mind is set on something or you have your mind set on something, you are very determined to do or to get something. noncount see also frame of mind presence of mind.
He read great literature to develop/cultivate his mind.
It’s important to keep your mind active as you grow older.
He went for a walk to help clear his mind.
The mysteries of the human mind
My mind is always open to new ideas.
You can’t argue with him. His mind is closed.
I can’t concentrate: my mind is always wandering and I can’t keep it focused on anything.
Let me get this clear/straight in my mind [=let me understand this clearly]: are you saying that she was lying to me all along?
I can’t get that image out of my mind. = I can’t stop seeing that image in my mind. = That image is stuck in my mind.
The smell of pine sends my mind back to childhood.
The sound of her voice jerked my mind back to the present.
My mind tells me it can’t work, but my heart tells me I want to try it.
We must appeal to and win (over) the hearts and minds of the people. [=the emotions and the reasoning of the people]
His conscious mind had forgotten the incident, but the memory of it was still buried somewhere in his subconscious/unconscious mind.
There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind about his guilt. [=I am sure that he is guilty]
I know you’re disappointed by their decision, but you should just put that out of your mind [=stop thinking about that] and go back to work.
I’ll handle the schedule. Just put it out of your mind. [=don’t think or worry about it]
Is there something on your mind? [=is there something troubling you?; are you worried or bothered about something?]
Why don’t you just say what’s on your mind? [=why don’t you just say what you are thinking?]
I wish there were some way I could ease your (troubled) mind. = I wish there were some way I could set/put your mind at ease/rest. [=could make you stop worrying]
These problems have been preying/weighing on his mind. [=he has been worrying about these problems]
The safety of the children should be foremost/uppermost in all our minds now. [=we should all be thinking most about the safety of the children now]
The idea that we might lose was the furthest thing from my mind. [=I never thought that we might lose]
I have no intention of quitting my job. Nothing could be further from my mind.
She says that getting married again is the last thing on her mind right now. [=she is not thinking at all about getting married again]
What was going/running through your mind [=what were you thinking] when you agreed to do this?
His name slips/escapes my mind at the moment. [=I can’t remember his name]
He thinks he’s very ill, but it’s all in his mind.
Her mind is set on becoming a doctor. = She has her mind set on becoming a doctor.
It’s important to be healthy in both body and mind.
He’s in a bad/good state of mind. [=he’s in a bad/good mood]
Installing a security system in your home will give you greater peace of mind. [=a feeling of being safe or protected]
MIND Definition 2:
used to describe the way a person thinks or the intelligence of a person .
She has a brilliant mind.
He has an inquisitive/inquiring mind.
He’s an evil man with a warped/twisted mind.
He’s recognized as having one of the sharpest minds [=intellects] in this field.
MIND Definition 3:
used in phrases that describe someone as mentally ill or crazy usually used informally in an exaggerated way The phrase out of your mind is also used informally to make a statement stronger. .
There’s something wrong with him. He’s not in his right mind. [=he is mentally ill]
No one in their right mind would try such a stunt. = Who in their right mind would try such a stunt?
(law) She claims that her father was not of sound mind when he changed his will. = She claims her father was of unsound mind. [=was not sane or rational]
What a ridiculous idea! You must be out of your mind [=crazy] to believe that.
I was (going) out of my mind with worry. [=I was extremely worried]
I feel like I’m losing my mind. = I feel like I’m going out of my mind. [=I feel like I’m going crazy]
That noise is driving me out of my mind! [=driving me crazy]
I was bored out of my mind. [=I was very bored]
She was frightened out of her mind.
MIND Definition 4:
A very intelligent person .
Many of the world’s greatest minds in physics will be attending the convention.
MIND Definition 5:
A particular way of thinking about a situation .
Everyone at the meeting was of like mind [=everyone agreed] about how to proceed.
She is of the same mind as me. [=she agrees with me]
We’re all of one mind about him [=we all agree about him]: he’s the one we want.To/In my mind, that’s wrong.
MIND Definition 6:
Attention that is given to a person or thing .
Try to relax and take/get/keep your mind off your problems. [=stop thinking about your problems]
I’m finding it hard to keep my mind on my work. [=to concentrate on my work]
After finishing work on the remodeling project, she was able to turn her mind to [=direct her attention to; work on] other matters.Don’t pay him any mind. [=don’t pay attention to him; ignore him]
He kept talking but she paid him no mind.
You shouldn’t pay any/much mind to what he says.

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