"I've —!" ("No More!") Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To own, use, or hold (something) also used for things that cannot be seen or touched also have got see also must-have.

Do they have a new car?
You can have it until I get back.
She has a red bike, and I have a blue one.
She got another part-time job and now she has two jobs.
I’m looking for the newspaper. Do you have it?
He had the newspaper right in his hand.
I used to have a necklace like that, but I lost it.
She used to share a room with her sister, but now she has her own room.
Do you have an appointment?
Do you have any experience in this line of work? [=have you done this kind of work before?]
She has so many things that she wants to do.
They have a deadline that must be met.
Have they got a new car?
She‘s got two jobs.
Have you got it?
I’ve got an appointment.
Definition 2:
If you have (something) to do, finish (etc.), there is something that you must do or want to do in order to complete a task. also have got .

We have things to do. = (chiefly Brit) We‘ve things to do.
I have several more pages to read.
She has six more rows to knit.
“But I have promises to keep…” Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (1923)
We’ve got things to do.
Definition 3:
used to say that something is available or not available also have got see also have the time (below).

They had nothing to eat or drink, nothing to wear, and nowhere to live.
We didn’t want to do it, but we had no choice/alternative.
You have a tremendous opportunity, and you should make the most of it.
The group will have enough tickets for everyone.
Do you have any spare change?
Do you have a minute/moment/second? [=are you available for a short time right now?] I have a few things I’d like to discuss with you.
Give me a call when you have a few minutes/moments. [=when you have a short period of time available]
I don’t have the time to talk right now. [=I am too busy to talk right now]
I haven’t got the time to talk right now.
Have you got a minute/moment/second?
Definition 4:
used to describe a quality, skill, feature, etc., of a person or thing also have got .

She has an impressive knowledge of French. [=she knows French very well]
He has a way with words. [=he uses words/language very effectively]
She has a good outlook on life.
The car has power brakes.
That country has a king; this country has a president.
All the children in that family have red hair.
A man who had a foreign accent [=a man with a foreign accent] was asking to see you.
The museum has interesting exhibits.
I have a fear of spiders. [=I am afraid of spiders]
He‘s got a way with words.
The car‘s got power brakes.
Definition 5:
To include or contain (something or someone) also have got .

The list has my name on it. [=my name is on the list]
April has 30 days. [=there are 30 days in April; April is a month with 30 days]
The club has 100 members.
The list has got my name on it.
The club‘s got 100 members.
Definition 6:
To give birth to (a child) .

She had her first child when she was 25.
She’s going to be having another baby soon.
Definition 7:
To be the parent of (a child) also have got .

She and her husband have three children.
They have a son.
They‘ve got a son and a daughter.
Definition 8:
used to describe a relationship between people also have got .

I have two sisters and a brother.
She has many friends and few enemies.
I wouldn’t want to have him as an enemy. [=I wouldn’t want him to be my enemy]
Do you have a big family? [=is your family big?; are there many people in your family?]
Does he have a girlfriend?
They have [=employ] a housekeeper.
We have many satisfied clients.
I have a customer who comes in every Tuesday and orders a tuna sandwich.
I‘ve got two sisters and a brother.
Definition 9:
To tightly hold (someone) also have got .

The dog has him by the leg. [=the dog is tightly holding his leg in its mouth]
She had me by the arm and wouldn’t let go.
The dog‘s got him by the leg.
Definition 10:
To get (something) .

Whenever she sees the latest new electronic gadget, she needs to have it.
This piano is the best to be had. [=it is the best that can be bought or owned]
Definition 11:
To receive or be given (something) .

We had some bad/good news yesterday.
I had a letter from my cousin last week.
“Waiter, can I have the check, please?” “I’ll bring it right away.”
Could I please have your attention? [=would you please give me your attention?]
Can I have a moment of your time? [=can I speak to you for a moment?]
Definition 12:
used to describe the position of a person or thing also have got .

He had his hands behind his back. [=his hands were behind his back]
She had her back to the door and didn’t see me enter the room.
He has a bodyguard with/near him whenever he goes out in public.
The house has a large tree next to it. [=there is a large tree next to the house]
The house has got a large tree next to it.
Definition 13:
To cause or produce (something, such as an effect) .

The defeat had a terrible effect/impact on the team’s spirits.
Her decision might have serious consequences.
Definition 14:
To experience (something) .

“Are you having fun?” “Yes, I’m having a wonderful time!”
Everyone had a good time at the party. = A good time was had by all (at the party).
She’s had many strange things happen to her recently. = She’s been having a lot of strange things happen to her recently.
I’ve had a bad/tough/long day.
I’m having trouble getting this computer to work. [=I am unable to get it to work]
I’ve had a good life.
We’ve had another setback.
She had [=suffered] a heart attack at the age of 50.
Definition 15:
To experience or be affected by (an illness or injury) also have got .

I have a cold.
My uncle has diabetes.
She has a broken leg.
I‘ve got a cold.
She‘s got a broken leg.
Definition 16:
To experience (an emotion or feeling) also have got .

I have many regrets. [=I regret many things]
I have complete confidence in your abilities. = I don’t have any doubts about your abilities.
I’ve got many regrets.
I haven’t got any doubts about your abilities.
Definition 17:
used to describe a person’s thoughts, ideas, etc. also have got .

Everyone has a different opinion about what to do.
I have a few thoughts on the matter.
“What time is it?” “I have no idea.” = “I’ve no idea.” [=I don’t know]
“Was it hard?” “You have no idea (how hard it was)!” [=it was extremely hard]
I don’t have a clue. = I haven’t a clue. [=I don’t know]
Everyone‘s got a different opinion.
I haven’t got a clue.
Definition 18:
To perform (an action) :to do or participate in (an activity) .

Did you have a good nap?
I was having a nap [=I was napping] when a loud noise woke me up.
We need to have a long talk.
I have soccer practice every Tuesday.
Please don’t interrupt us when we are having a conversation.
(Brit) Have a sleep/lie-down.
(Brit) Have a think.
Have a look at this. [=look at this]
I had a (good) look, but I couldn’t find the problem.
Let me have a try. [=let me try]
Definition 19:
To provide (something) as entertainment or as a social gathering .

We’re having [=giving, throwing] a party on Saturday. Can you come?
We’re having a little get-together.
The museum is having [=holding] an exhibition of her work. = She’s having an exhibition of her work at the museum. [=the museum is exhibiting her work]
Definition 20:
To cause, tell, or ask (someone) to do something .

Have her call me [=tell her to call me on the telephone] when she gets back.
Have my assistant schedule another appointment for you.
You should have someone check that out for you.
She’s having the children stay with us for the weekend. [=the children are staying with us for the weekend because she wants them to]
He had the barber cut his hair short. [=he got the barber to cut his hair short]
What would you have me do? [=what do you want me to do?]
They would have us believe [=they want/expect us to believe] that all these problems can be fixed by raising taxes.
Definition 21:
To cause (something) to be changed, removed, added, or affected in a specified way .

I had my nose straightened by a plastic surgeon.
He had his hair cut short by a barber.
The doctor said I should have this mole removed.
We are having new windows installed.
I just had new tires put on the car.
Definition 22:
used when you hire someone to do something or when you go to a place (such as hospital or a mechanic’s shop) so that something can be done .

She’s having surgery next week.
I had an X-ray.
When was the last time you had a checkup?
We’re having some work done on the house.
The car should have regular maintenance checks. [=someone should check the car regularly]
Definition 23:
used to say that someone (such as a guest or a worker) is at your home or is coming to your home see also have over (below).

We’re having guests this weekend.
I’d love to come for a visit, if you’ll have me. [=if you would welcome me as a guest]
We’re going to have a plumber in to look at the furnace.
She has guests to/for dinner several times a week.
I had my friends back to my place for drinks after the movie.
Definition 24:
To cause (something) to be in a specified state or condition also have got .

He had dinner ready by the time she came back.
It’s hard to think when she has the radio on so loud.
He had the computer working again very quickly.
Please have your assignment ready/done/finished/completed by tomorrow.
She’s got the radio on so loud.
Have you got your assignment ready? [=is your assignment ready?]
Definition 25:
used when something that belongs to someone or something is damaged, destroyed, or taken .

I had [=got] my nose broken in a fight. [=my nose was broken in a fight]
She had her car stolen last week. [=her car was stolen last week]
The house had its roof torn off in the hurricane.
Definition 26:
To allow (something) used in negative statements .

We’ll have no more of that behavior! = We can’t have that sort of behavior! = We can’t have you behaving like that! = We can’t be having you behave like that!
Definition 27:
To accept (someone) .

Who will we have as our leader?
Definition 28:
To accept (someone) as a husband or wife .

I’ll marry her if she’ll have me!
She wouldn’t have him.
Definition 29:
To be able to control, capture, or defeat (someone) also have got .

We have him now! He can’t possibly escape!
We‘ve got him now!
Definition 30:
The phrases You have me there and There you have me or (more commonly and informally) You’ve/You got me (there) are used in speech to mean “I don’t know.” The phrase You got me is sometimes shortened to Got me in very informal speech. .

“How on earth can he justify his behavior?” “You have me there.”
“When exactly was the company founded?” “There you have me.”
“Why did she leave?” “You got me.”
“When does the movie start?” “Got me.”
Definition 31:
To eat or drink (something) .

We had steak for dinner last night.
We’ll be having [=eating] dinner at six.
Will you have a drink with me?
Would you like to have some black pepper on your salad?
“What will you have (to drink)?” “(I’ll have) A glass of red wine, please.”
Did you have dessert yet?
Have some cake. It’s delicious!
Definition 32:
To smoke (something) .

She had a cigarette while she was waiting for the bus.
Definition 33:
used to say how you want food or drink to be cooked or prepared .

I’d like to have my steak well done, please.
I usually have [=take] my coffee black.
Definition 34:
To have sex with (someone) .

He claims that he’s had dozens of women.
Definition 35:
used with the past participle to form the perfect tenses of verbs .

We have been friends for many years.
She has bought a new car.
They had already left by the time we arrived.
I have not seen that movie yet.
Has the rain stopped?
I have never been so embarrassed! = Never have I been so embarrassed!
Having never been to Chicago, I really don’t know much about it.

Don’t close the page if you need other answers from the same crossword. Go back to this link to find Eugene Sheffer Crossword Answers November 05, 2018

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