*Failed, As A Business Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To move or travel to a place .

He went to the window and looked out at the yard.
She goes to the office every morning and comes home in the evening.
I’m tired. Let’s go home.
She went downstairs to the kitchen.
The train goes from New York to Chicago.
Halt! Who goes there? [=who is there?; who is coming this way?]
Definition 2:
To travel to and stay in (a place) for a particular amount of time .

I went with my family to Rome last year.
We’re going to Iowa for a week.
Definition 3:
To move or travel in a particular way or for a particular distance often used figuratively .

The car was going too fast.
How much farther do we have to go?
She went a long way to see him.
We went many miles that day.
Go straight for two blocks, then go right/left at the light.
The street is blocked, so we’ll have to go around.
Their relationship doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. [=doesn’t seem to be making any progress]
Where do we go from here? [=what do we do now?]
We’ve accomplished a lot, but we still have a long way to go. [=we have much more to do]
She has a lot of talent. If she works hard, she should go far. [=she should be very successful]
These changes will go a long way toward solving the dispute.
Would you go so far as to call them dishonest? [=would you say that they are dishonest?]
This time you’ve gone too far! [=you’ve done something that cannot be allowed]
Definition 4:
To move to or be at a place (such as an office or school) for work, study, etc. + to .

She goes to church on Sunday.
She goes to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Their son is going to college in Florida. [=he is attending a college in Florida]
He went to prison for his crimes.
Definition 5:
To do something that involves moving or traveling to a place often + on often + -ing verb see also go for 5 (below).

We’re going on vacation next week.
The thieves went on a crime spree.
The neighbors went running [=the neighbors ran] when they heard the screams.
I like to go walking/swimming/shopping. [=I like to walk/swim/shop]
Definition 6:
To move or travel to a place for a particular purpose In informal spoken English, go and is used to emphasize a following verb. It usually expresses anger or annoyance. In U.S. English, go by itself is also sometimes used this way. .

I went to see them last week.
We went to see a movie last night. = We went to a movie last night.
Are you going to the wedding? [=do you plan to attend the wedding?]
I may go to see them next week. = I may go and see them next week. = (US) I may go see them next week.
Now you’ve gone and ruined it!
They went and changed it!
Go and get me a towel!
Why did you have to go ruin it?!
Go get me a towel!
Definition 7:
To engage in (doing something) .

Don’t go telling everyone what happened. [=don’t tell everyone what happened]
He went blabbing the news all over the place.
Definition 8:
To leave a place .

It’s getting late. I should go now.
It’s time to go.
I was just going when the phone rang.
Definition 9:
To leave a job, position, etc. .

Pack up your desk and go.
She’s retiring soon, and it’ll be sad for all of us to see her go.
Definition 10:
To lie or move along a particular route or in a particular direction no obj + obj often used figuratively .

The road goes from the town to the lake.
His land goes almost all the way down to the river.
Are you going my way? [=are you going in the same direction that I’m going in?]
The car went the length of the street and then turned around.
She went the conventional route [=she did the conventional thing] by going straight to college after high school.
He has always gone his own way. [=he has always done the things he wants to do instead of the things that most people do]
Definition 11:
To provide a way to get to a place .

That door goes to the cellar. [=you can get to the cellar by going through that door]
Where does this road go?
Definition 12:
To be sent .

The message went by e-mail to all members of the staff.
Definition 13:
To be lost, used, or spent often used with all .

I don’t know where the money goes.
I put my keys here a few minutes ago, and now they’re gone. = (Brit) I put my keys here a few minutes ago, and now they’ve gone.
The money was all gone by Friday. = All (of) the money was gone by Friday.
“Is there any ice cream left?” “No, it’s all gone.”
Definition 14:
To die .

She went peacefully at about midnight.
Definition 15:
To pass .

The time/day seemed to go very quickly/slowly.
Definition 16:
To happen in a particular way .

The evening went well/badly.
She worked hard to make the party go according to plan.
The way things are going [=if things keep happening this way], I may get laid off.
We lost the game, but that’s the way it/life goes. [=it is a fact that bad or disappointing things will happen sometimes]
Definition 17:
used to talk or ask about how you are feeling .

“How are things going? = How’s everything going? = How’s it going?” “Everything’s going well/fine/great.”
Definition 18:
To be given up, thrown away, etc. .

I want to keep these, but that one can go.
These old boxes have got to go. = These old boxes have to go. [=we have to get rid of these old boxes]
Definition 19:
To be sold .

The house went for a good price.
The cabinets go for about $400.
The painting will go to the highest bidder
Definition 20:
To be willing to pay a certain price for something .

I’ll go as high as $100, but not over that.
Definition 21:
To fail or become weak because of use, age, etc. .

His hearing has started to go.
The batteries in the flashlight are going and will have to be changed.
Definition 22:
To break because of force or pressure .

The dam/roof is weakening and it could go at any time.
Definition 23:
To start doing something see also get going at get.

Everyone’s here, so I think we’re ready to go. = (US, informal) I think we’re good to go. [=I think we’re ready to start]
Definition 24:
used to describe the result of a contest, election, decision, etc. .

The election went in her favor. [=she won the election]
The verdict went against him.
Definition 25:
To work in the usual or expected way see also keep going at keep.

I couldn’t get the car to go.
I kept working on the engine until I finally got it going. [=I finally got it to work/run]
Definition 26:
To become used to describe a change used especially to describe a change that is not wanted .

The building has gone condo. [=the building has become a condominium]
British currency went decimal in 1971.
The tire went flat.
The bread has gone stale.
The company went bankrupt.
Everything keeps going wrong.
Definition 27:
To change .

The leaves here go from green to red in the fall.
The situation went from bad to worse.
Definition 28:
used to describe someone’s or something’s condition .

I like to go barefoot in the summer.
There was nothing to eat, so we had to go hungry.
My letters have gone unanswered. [=have not been answered]
Her excellent work has not gone unnoticed/unappreciated. [=someone has noticed/appreciated her excellent work]
Definition 29:
To make a particular movement .

Can you go like this with your eyebrows? [=can you move your eyebrows like this?]
Definition 30:
used to talk about a story, song, etc. .

I can’t remember how the story goes. [=I can’t remember what happens in the story]
The story/rumor/legend goes that he left home poor and came back rich.
The tune goes like this.
Definition 31:
To be able to fit in or through a space .

Will these clothes go in your suitcase? [=is there enough room for these clothes in your suitcase?]
The box was too big to go [=fit] through the door.
Definition 32:
To have a usual or proper place or position :belong .

These books go on the top shelf.
Where do your keys go?
Definition 33:
To have authority :to require you to do what is said or demanded .

What she says goes! [=she is the boss; you have to do what she tells you to do]
Definition 34:
To use the toilet see also go to the bathroom at bathroom.

One of the children said he had to go.
Definition 35:
To make a sound no obj + obj .

The bell went and the class came to an end.
The music was going full blast. [=the music was being played as loud as possible]
The gun went bang.
The cow went “moo.”
Definition 36:
To say (something) used in describing what people said in a conversation .

So she goes, “Did you write this?” and I go, “Mind your own business!”
Definition 37:
To have a specified record .

The team went 11–2 last season. [=the team won 11 games and lost 2 games last year]
The shortstop went two for four in yesterday’s game. [=the shortstop had two hits in four times at bat in yesterday’s game]

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