Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the NewsDay Crossword.
Below are NewsDay August 05, 2021 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.
Author: Winston Emmons, edited by Stanley Newman
Diamond datum | RBI |
Club with a house | FRAT |
Setting at the BBC | GMT |
John in Scotland | IAN |
Acetic citrus | LEMON |
Some Pulitzer winners | POETS |
Consumer annoyance | PRICEHIKE |
Hold back on the blinking | STARE |
Language related to Laotian | THAI |
Directional suffix | ERN |
It sounds like a duck | OBOE |
Ovid’s others | ALIA |
Concept in statistics class | RANDOMWALK |
She’s engaged | FIANCEE |
Undivided | SINGLE |
Impolite exhalation | BELCH |
Teach how | TRAIN |
Initials in old atlases | SSR |
Pitching stat | EARNEDRUN |
Less-than-key worker | COG |
Steal or simmer | POACH |
Gem State product | TATER |
Cry from Juliet | OROMEO |
Outdoor | OPENAIR |
Very slow movement | SNAILSPACE |
Lozenge containers | TINS |
Hard to believe | TALL |
Pencil game center | TAC |
Tied | EVEN |
Geographical ring | ATOLL |
A to B, in music | WHOLESTEP |
Name that means ”born again” | RENEE |
Age-old battlers | SEXES |
Epoch | ERA |
Common MBA prerequisite | GRE |
Prepare for recycling | SORT |
Dragon’s retreat | DEN |
Criticize harshly | RIP |
Obstruct | BAR |
Sign, briefly | INITIAL |
Tiny biter | FLEA |
Bring back on board | REHIRE |
”__ dreaming?” | AMI |
Bit of cryptocurrency | TOKEN |
Rte. finder | GPS |
”Hitsville U.S.A.” label | MOTOWN |
Packets in pantries | TEABAGS |
Overenthusiastic buff | NERD |
Chat room troublemakers | TROLLS |
One on a quest | SEEKER |
Possibility | CHANCE |
Deferential denial | NOSIR |
Frequent POTUS plane destination, for short | AFB |
Make it all up | LIE |
Protector named for a peak | AETNA |
Tiny | MINUTE |
Wedding setting | CHAPEL |
DVR button | REC |
Impromptu | ADHOC |
Birds do it | ROOST |
Brittany city | NANTES |
Spotlight sharer | COSTAR |
Highly decorated | ORNATE |
Acquiesce | GOALONG |
No longer pure | TAINTED |
Austrian article | EIN |
People-moving cos. | RRS |
Chaucer pilgrim | MILLER |
Utensil for a 44 Across | PEELER |
Furry feet | PAWS |
Has a yen (for) | ACHES |
Safari attire | VEST |
Oscar director from Taiwan | LEE |
51 Down brand | OXO |
Homophone for ”air” | ERE |
Batter holder | PAN |