Star Tribune Crossword Answers December 24, 2021

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Star Tribune Crossword.

Below are Star Tribune December 24, 2021 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: Boatload Puzzles


Postage mark Stamp
Guinness of “Star Wars” Alec
Towel inscription Hers
____ bear Polar
Carson’s successor Leno
Figure skater’s jump Axel
Unaccompanied Alone
Car evaluation (2 wds.) Testdrive
More tired Sleepier
Ran in neutral Idled
Type of paint Acrylic
City trains Els
On land Ashore
Locale Area
Unpaid toiler Slave
Band instrument Tuba
Skilled Able
Roof edge Eave
Singer Paul ____ Simon
Train track Rail
Church word Amen
“King ____” Lear
Ethical Moral
Shadowbox Spar
Actress ____ Bullock Sandra
____ Cruces Las
Lack Absence
Edgar ____ Poe Allan
Superman’s gal (2 wds.) Loislane
Onlooker Spectator
Piano adjuster Tuner
Now and ____ Then
Mountain passes Gaps
Plane spotter Radar
Rice wine Sake
Family diagram Tree
Deposes Ousts


Mineral springs Spas
Highway fee Toll
Burn-soothing plant Aloe
Lion’s hair Mane
Get ready Prepare
Modify Alter
Cautious Leery
Naval off. Ens
Camp bed Cot
Difficult Hard
Banish Exile
Make merry Revel
Winter toys Sleds
Gambling cubes Dice
Decorate a cake Ice
Work Labor
OPEC member Iran
Not ashore Asea
Bang shut Slam
Possess Have
Baking places Ovens
Baseball great Hank ____ Aaron
Cake layers Tiers
____ Thurman of “Paycheck” Uma
Shakespeare, e.g. Bard
Fibber Liar
She, in Valencia Ella
Thick piece Slab
Eminent conductor Maestro
Breathe heavily Pant
Biology, e.g. (abbr.) Sci
Continues Lasts
Greek vowel Alpha
Streamlined Sleek
Secretly marry Elope
Norwegian Norse
Teen’s woe Acne
Hawaiian cookout Luau
No ifs, ____, or buts Ands
Well-groomed Neat
Blunders Errs
FBI employee (abbr.) Agt
Paving goo Tar