New York Times Crossword Answers December 23, 2021

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Below are New York Times December 23, 2021 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find faster answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: Stephen McCarthy
Editor: Will Shortz


When said three times, how an overlong comment might be summarized BLAH
Morgan Stanley acquisition of 2020 ETRADE
Shock, in a way ZAP
Let up EASE
Get something just right NAILIT
Word aptly hidden in "I've got this!" EGO
Reef deposit hung on the holiday tree? ACHRISTMASCORAL
Is unobliged to NEEDNOT
Popular web browser CHROME
Something an Australian might throw on the barbie SHRIMP
Beats (out) EDGES
Heath genus that's also a woman's name ERICA
Certain international soccer championship, familiarly EUROS
Noble gas you can't live without? VITALARGON
It's 1 for 90° SINE
Occasion on which to sing the hymn "Up From the Grave He Arose" EASTER
Word with candy or ball COTTON
Things caught at a beach RAYS
Starbucks order for a man's man? CAFFEMACHO
Essential character ETHOS
Cause of the moon hitting your eye like a big pizza pie, in song AMORE
Sugar or flour STAPLE
Car model with a musical name SONATA
Miami five THEHEAT
Buys tickets for a couple of friends for a Polynesian getaway? TAKESTWOTOTONGA
Something it's good to get a hole in? ONE
Archers BOWMEN
Trash day reminder ODOR
Passage blocker, maybe NAY
New citizen, perhaps EMIGRE
What cynophobia is the fear of DOGS


Black-eyed pea, technically BEAN
Get ready to skate, with "up" LACE
Lead-in to a Southern "-ville" ASHE
Tries to wrangle the unwrangleable HERDSCATS
"Christ's Entry Into Brussels in 1889" artist ENSOR
More ragged TATTIER
___ shot RIM
In the way of ALA
, e.g. DISC
Does some cave art ETCHES
Free-fall phenomenon, informally ZEROG
Good thing to bring to the field AGAME
North and South, but not East or West POLES
Gobble down INHALE
Chicago airport code ORD
___ shot MUG
At all EVER
Org. that gives out "gold" but fights pirates RIAA
Teeny-tiny ITSY
"Kiss her ___ for me" ("A Holly Jolly Christmas" lyric) ONCE
Western gas brand ARCO
District of Columbia advocacy subject STATEHOOD
Hankering ITCH
N.Y.C. neighborhood next to the Bowery NOHO
Great-great-great-great-great grandfather of Noah ENOS
Dish that may be served folded OMELET
Old-timey agreements AYS
Like Santa, in traditional depictions FAT
Butter up, say FLATTER
Doesn't disturb LETSBE
Start of an English auto name ASTON
animated film with songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda MOANA
Pitch-perfect ONKEY
Explorer John RAE
Give a buzz PHONE
Small thing ATOM
Opposite of exo- ENDO
Full of anticipation AGOG
Besmirches TARS
Historical event given its current name in 1939: Abbr. WWI
"!!!" OMG