Universal Crossword Answers December 26, 2021

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Universal Crossword.

Below are Universal December 26, 2021 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Drew Schmenner


Book drive organizer, for short PTA
Explosion sound BOOM
___ Food (Ben & Jerry’s flavor named for a band) PHISH
Longtime email provider AOL
BMW competitor AUDI
Wasn’t honest with LIEDTO
Cold Southern drink SWEETTEA
More creepy EERIER
State that’s not to be messed with TEXAS
Russian Revolution target TSAR
Name hidden in “tenant” NAN
Historic periods ERAS
What orderlies could aptly be? NEATFREAKS
Short-armed dino TREX
Votes in favor AYES
Catch in the act NAB
Font modeled after Helvetica ARIAL
In ___ of LIEU
1970s teen idol Cassidy SHAUN
Sneaky SLY
Spiced Indian drink CHAI
Website for film geeks IMDB
Low-rise jeans HIPHUGGERS
Wedding dress fabric SATIN
“SNL” alum Gasteyer ANA
The Brat Pack’s demographic, familiarly GENX
Empty of vegetation BARREN
What a calm person keeps … or the first word of 16-, 24-, 39- or 51-Across? COOLHEAD
Hurtful remark INSULT
Franc’s replacement EURO
“___ you serious?” ARE
Itsy-bitsy TEENY
Three wishes, perhaps? LIST
Furious MAD


Insert, as copied text PASTE
High building TOWER
Apple : Siri :: Amazon : ___ ALEXA
Flying mammals that use sonar BATS
Not home OUT
Tribute in verse ODE
Mazda convertible MIATA
South Dakota’s capital PIERRE
___ Highness HER
Broadway star Menzel IDINA
Rare treat, for some STEAK
They’re honked HORNS
Full of foliage LEAFY
Where the sun appears EAST
Sign of poor ventilation STALEAIR
Maker of foam toys NERF
It indicates a way off the interstate EXITSIGN
“The Last Dance” channel ESPN
Pilot officers’ U.K. group RAF
Org. that currently has Lions and Bears but no Tigers NFL
Boxing legend Muhammad ALI
“Later!” BYE
“So refreshing!” AHH
Annoying pop-ups ADS
Unwell ILL
“The Last Jedi” protagonist REY
“That hurt!” OUCH
Purrs like an engine HUMS
Fun ___ games AND
To a great degree HUGELY
Hollywood negotiator AGENT
Bo-o-ring BLAH
You may break a bad one HABIT
Dissect, as a sentence PARSE
Perform fantastically EXCEL
Elite group of soldiers ATEAM
“Goodies” singer CIARA
Came to a close ENDED
Jukebox opening SLOT
Compete in a dash RUN
Yes, to a monsieur OUI
Sites for surgeons: Abbr. ORS