New York Times Crossword Answers January 06, 2024

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Below are New York Times January 06, 2024 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find faster answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: Ben Tolkin and Julian Xiao
Editor: Will Shortz


"Ciao" TATA
Out-of-focus effect in photography, from the Japanese for "blur" BOKEH
Stunt for three, six or 10 people, typically HUMANPYRAMID
Doesn't come out all at once OOZES
It's a big deal ACE
Most tongue-in-cheek WRYEST
Pop-___ (some visits) INS
One might get a lead STAR
Surrealist filmmaker Buñuel LUIS
Possible side effect of using steroids ACNE
Long division? AISLE
Certain pseudoscience, for short ESP
Lead-in to rock PROG
Director Lee ANG
"Bad plan!," in Southern slang THATDOGDONTHUNT
"Here hung those lips that I have kiss'd I know not how ___": Hamlet OFT
Cells that handle low-light vision RODS
"___ man can tether time or tide": Burns NAE
Some score marks RESTS
Ones who tell each other *everything* BFFS
P.A. gear AMPS
Emerald ___ ISLE
"A symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal," according to John Steinbeck WAR
Org. that maintains a museum in Annapolis Junction, Md. NSA
California's San ___ County MATEO
Troubadours' instruments LUTES
Show with an hourglass in its opening title sequence DAYSOFOURLIVES
Performance-based paycheck YEARENDBONUS
They change colors DYERS


"___: The Watercourse Way" (Alan Watts book) TAO
Fashion designer Sui ANNA
Author credit BYLINE
Exams you don't need a pencil for ORALS
"Citizen ___" KANE
First responder, for short EMT
Drum kit components with pedals HIHATS
Unfiltered brew HAZYIPA
Comment after a revealing moment PAGINGDRFREUD
Sticker on a model, e.g. DECAL
"Take your time!" NORUSH
Baby covered in fluffy down OWLET
Fool's deck TAROT
[Aw, jeez!] SIGH
Small part of a system COG
Carpenters, maybe? ANTS
Many downloads PDFS
"Thus …" ANDSO
"That's rough, buddy" OOF
Prepares to speak, in a modern meeting UNMUTES
Where pizza is said to have been invented NAPLES
Finals, but not semifinals TESTS
Twist of a screwdriver? RIND
Part of many 34-Down ESSAY
Impressed greatly, as at a drag show SLAYED
They're relayed in a relay BATONS
Big name in contact lenses ACUVUE
Thin slice of silicon at the heart of an integrated circuit WAFER
American soccer icon ___ Dempsey CLINT
Glutton's constant desire MORE
Spheres ORBS
"Suppose …" SAY
Pascal's law? LOI