Eugene Sheffer Crossword Answers March 03, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Eugene Sheffer Crossword.

Below are Eugene Sheffer March 03, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: Eugene Sheffer


Heavy weight TON
Audacious BRASH
Brady Bunch girl JAN
Year in Spain ANO
“Bleeding Love” singer Lewis LEONA
Lyric poem ODE
Quarterback for the Buffalo Bills JOSHALLEN
Present location? BOX
Chef Garten INA
Shocked AGHAST
Ray of McDonald’s KROC
Lyricist Gershwin IRA
Chick’s mom HEN
Bigfoot’s relatives YETIS
Long ride? LIMO
Homer’s cry DOH
Spanish ayes SISI
Slander SMEAR
Use a shovel DIG
Not ’neath OER
Carpet type SHAG
Runway sights PLANES
Major shock TRAUMA
Scale member SOL
Joke GAG
Rink surface ICE
Everglades wader EGRET
Expert PRO
Service charge FEE
Eye drops TEARS
Bit of advice TIP


— Mahal TAJ
Lennon’s partner ONO
Refusals NOS
Scald briefly in water, as veggies BLANCH
“You’ve got mail” co. AOL
Furtive one SNEAK
Cranky due to skipping lunch, say HANGRY
Mini-strike JOBACTION
Big fusses ADOS
On deck NEXT
Hasten HIE
Works the soil HOES
Monet works OILS
“A Death in the Family” author JAMESAGEE
Auction signal NOD
“Understood” ISEE
Round Table titles SIRS
Pearl Harbor site OAHU
With-it person HIPSTER
Powerful engine RAMJET
Is a bad winner GLOATS
Evaluate GAUGE
Cleric’s garment ALB
End-of-week letters TGIF
Indy event RACE
Mrs. in Mexico SRA
Select, with “for” OPT
Swiss canton URI
Surpass TOP