___ Switch (emergency Control) Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To cause the death of (a person, animal, or plant) :to end the life of (someone or something) + obj often used figuratively no obj often used figuratively .

This poison kills rats.
The disease has killed thousands of people.
Three people were killed in the accident.
A chemical that kills weeds
In despair he threatened to kill himself. [=to commit suicide]
If he keeps working this hard, he’s going to kill himself. [=he’s going to have health problems that cause his death]
My father will kill me [=he will be very angry] when he finds out that I dented the car.
I’ll finish this job if it kills me! [=I am very determined to finish this job]
It wouldn’t kill you to help me clean up the kitchen. = Would it kill you to help me clean up the kitchen? [=you should help me clean up the kitchen]
Drunk driving kills.
A disease that can kill
I’ve never seen her so angry. If looks could kill, I’d be dead right now. [=she looked at me in a very angry way]
I’d kill for hair like hers! [=I wish I had hair like hers]
Definition 2:
To cause the end of (something) .

If she enters the contest, it will kill [=destroy] our chances of winning.
She took an aspirin to kill [=stop] her headache.
Taking drugs to kill the pain
Despite protests, the mayor killed the program.
The committee killed the bill.
This delay has killed our chances of finishing the project on schedule.
The editor decided to kill [=to not publish] the controversial news story.
Definition 3:
To turn (something) off with a switch .

She told him to kill the lights.
He killed [=shut off] the engine and got out of the car.
Definition 4:
To spend (time) doing something while you are waiting .

We killed time by reading magazines.
We have a couple of hours to kill before we board the plane.
Definition 5:
To cause (someone) to feel extreme pain or to suffer .

My feet are killing me. [=my feet hurt very much]
Working these long hours is killing me.
Definition 6:
To make (someone) nervous or unhappy .

I’m still waiting to hear if I got the job. The suspense is killing me.
It really kills me to think of how much money I could have made if I had invested in that company.
Definition 7:
To amuse or entertain (someone) very much .

That guy kills me. [=I think he’s very funny]
His jokes always kill me.
Her performance killed the audience. [=the audience loved her performance]
Definition 8:
To drink (something) completely .

He killed three beers in less than an hour.

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