____Cherry , Or Whipper Billy Hold Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To become unable to breathe usually because something gets stuck in your throat or because the air is not good for breathing .

Chew your food well so you don’t choke.
She choked to death. = She died by choking.
We were choking on fumes.
Definition 2:
To cause (someone) to stop breathing by squeezing the throat .

The murderer choked his victim (to death).
Definition 3:
To make (someone) unable to breathe in a normal way If you or your voice is choked with emotion, rage, etc., you are feeling emotion in such a strong way that it is hard for you to talk. .

The thick smoke was choking me.
When she was presented with the award, she was so choked with emotion that she couldn’t say her thank-you speech.
Definition 4:
To stop (something) from growing or developing often + out .

The flowers were choked by the weeds.
The flowers were choked out by the weeds.
Definition 5:
To fill (something) completely so that movement is stopped or slowed often + up .

Leaves choked [=clogged, blocked] the drain.
The streets were choked with traffic.
Logs were choking up the stream.
Definition 6:
To fail to do something well because you are very nervous .

When the pressure was on, the tennis star choked and lost the match.

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