A Young Girl Is Taking On Tasks Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A task or job that someone is given to do .

Our mission was to recover the stolen plans.
He was sent on a fact-finding mission. = He was sent on a mission to gather information.
By patient negotiation she succeeded in her mission of averting a strike.
Go on a rescue mission [=go somewhere to rescue someone]
The volunteers were on a mission of mercy to help victims of the disaster. [=the volunteers were sent to help the victims of the disaster]
A mercy mission
Definition 2:
A specific military or naval task .

A reconnaissance mission
A peacekeeping mission
A combat/training mission
Definition 3:
A flight by an aircraft or spacecraft to perform a specific task see also mission control.

A bombing mission
A manned space mission
A shuttle mission
A mission to the moon
Definition 4:
A task that you consider to be a very important duty .

His mission is to help poor children. = He has made it his mission in life to help poor children. = He’s a man with a mission: to help poor children.
She’s on a mission to locate her lost sister. [=she is very determined to find her lost sister]
Definition 5:
A group of people sent to a foreign country for a specific reason (such as to have discussions or to provide training or assistance) .

A member of a trade mission
Definition 6:
A group of people who are sent to a foreign country to do religious work :a group of missionaries .

A Catholic mission
Definition 7:
A place or building where such work is done .

Touring a Spanish mission in California
A mission church

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