Agent 007 Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Agent 007 from the NetWord Crossword. Bookmark this website for NetWord Crossword Answers.

Question: Agent 007

Solution: BOND

BOND Definition 1:
Something (such as an idea, interest, experience, or feeling) that is shared between people or groups and forms a connection between them .
The bonds of friendship
A daughter’s bond with her mother
Family/kinship bonds
Recent events have helped to strengthen the bonds between our two countries.
My roommate and I share a common bond because we both grew up in the Midwest.the bonds of holy matrimony [=the connection between two people who are married to each other]
BOND Definition 2:
An official document in which a government or company promises to pay back an amount of money that it has borrowed and to pay interest for the borrowed money see also junk bond savings bond.
She has invested most of her money in stocks and bonds.
The city issued bonds [=the city created bonds and sold them to investors] to pay for the new school.
Municipal bonds [=bonds issued by a local government]
BOND Definition 3:
A chain or rope that is used to prevent someone from moving or acting freely usually plural often used figuratively .
The prisoner was able to break free from the bonds that held him.
They struggled to free themselves from the bonds of oppression.
BOND Definition 4:
The condition of being held together or joined .
The glue provides a good/strong bond between the two pieces of wood.
BOND Definition 5:
A force that holds together the atoms in a molecule see also double bond single bond triple bond.
Chemical bonds
BOND Definition 6:
A promise or agreement to do something .
You can believe me when I say I’ll help you. My word is my bond. [=I always do what I promise to do]
BOND Definition 7:
The amount of money that someone promises to pay if a prisoner who is allowed to leave jail does not return later for a trial or to prison :an agreement to pay bail .
The accused was released on $10,000 bond. [=the person accused of a crime was released from jail because someone promised to pay $10,000 if the accused person does not appear for the trial]
BOND Definition 8:
bond paper .
Used high-quality bond for the letter

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