All Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Star Tribune Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “All” from the Star Tribune Crossword.
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Definition 1:
Including each person or thing in a group or series .

I heard every word you said.
He devotes every spare moment to his hobby.
His every move was carefully watched.
She’s beautiful in every way/respect.
Ceramics of every kind were on display.
We have every reason to believe (that) he’s telling the truth. [=we have no reason not to believe him]
He looked closely at every last one [=every one] of them.
They were questioning every little thing [=everything] she said.
He provided them with guidance every step of the way. [=throughout the entire process]
Every time [=whenever] I go there I learn something new.
We’re making every effort [=we’re doing all that we can] to solve the problem.
Definition 2:
used to describe how often some repeated activity, event, etc., happens or is done .

She drives to town every few days.
Every day she starts work at 8 a.m.
The fair is held every other/second year. [=the fair is held one year, not held the next year, held the following year, and so on]
Definition 3:
used to describe how far apart the things in a series of things are placed from each other .

They placed a marker every 20 yards or so.
Definition 4:
used in phrases like one in every three to describe how common something is .

Problems that affect one in every three people
Definition 5:
Not lacking in any way .

I have every [=complete, total] confidence in you.

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