Becomes More Profound Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To become or to cause (something) to become deep or deeper + obj no obj .

They deepened the river so that larger boats could sail through.
Age had deepened the lines in his face.
The water deepens toward the center of the river.
Definition 2:
To become or to cause (something, such as a feeling or emotion) to become stronger or more powerful + obj no obj .

The experience deepened [=strengthened] his love for acting.
Her powerful words deepened our commitment to the cause.
The vacation together deepened their relationship with each other.
The mystery was deepened by her silence.
Their friendship deepened [=grew deeper] with time.
Definition 3:
To make (your knowledge, understanding, etc.) fuller or more complete .

This class will deepen your understanding of economics.
Living in the country’s capital had deepened her knowledge of politics.
Definition 4:
To become or to cause (something) to become worse or more severe + obj no obj .

The government’s policies have deepened the country’s economic recession.
The situation is deepening the divisions between the two groups.
These divisions have deepened over the years.
Definition 5:
To become or to cause (something, such as a person’s voice) to become lower in sound no obj + obj .

His voice has deepened over the years.
Time has deepened his voice.
Definition 6:
To become darker or stronger in color .

The sunset deepened from a pale yellow to a bright orange.
Rather than fading, the colors deepened in tone.
The sky deepened to a dark blue.
Definition 7:
To deepen your breathing is to take more air into your lungs when you breathe..

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