Bodybuilder’s Gear Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A measurement that indicates how heavy a person or thing is .

Please indicate your height and weight on the form.
Her weight is 105 pounds.
Definition 2:
The amount that a person or thing weighs :the heaviness of a person or thing see also dead weight overweight underweight.

The boat sank under the weight of the cargo.
The doctor says you shouldn’t put any weight on that foot for a week. [=you shouldn’t stand on that foot for a week]
Those columns have to be strong enough to support the weight of the roof.
I’m trying to lose (some) weight. [=to become less heavy or fat]
He is trying to watch his weight. [=to lose weight or to not gain weight]
I think she has gained weight. [=become heavier]
Definition 3:
A heavy object that is lifted during exercising .

A 10-pound weight
He stays in good shape by lifting weights.
She likes to exercise using free weights. [=weights (such as dumbbells and barbells) that are not attached to a piece of equipment]
Definition 4:
A heavy object that is used to press something down or to or hold something in place see also counterweight paperweight.

I use pie weights to keep the pie crust from bubbling when I bake it.
Definition 5:
A unit of measurement (such as a pound, kilogram, etc.) used for showing how heavy someone or something is .

weights and measures
A metric weight
Definition 6:
Something that causes worry or sadness .

When I told her the truth I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my mind.
Well, that’s a weight off my mind/shoulders. [=that’s a relief]
Definition 7:
A difficult responsibility .

I wish there were some way I could help lift this weight [=load, burden] from his shoulders.
He bore the weight of having to tell the family the bad news.
Definition 8:
The influence or power someone or something has over other people or things .

He has a lot of weight in the company.
Several senators put/threw their weight behind the bill. [=used their influence to support the bill]
(disapproving) The new manager immediately started throwing her weight around, making changes to staff and policy.
Definition 9:
The power to influence the opinions of other people .

Her opinion carries a lot of weight with me. [=her opinion is very important to me]
This new evidence gives added weight to his claims. [=makes his claims more believable]

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