Boxing Contest Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To use weapons or physical force to try to hurt someone, to defeat an enemy, etc. :to struggle in battle or physical combat no obj often + against + obj .

The soldiers fought bravely.
When he was young he was always fighting.
He fought like a tiger.
The U.S. and Germany fought in World Wars I and II.
The U.S. fought against Germany in World Wars I and II.
They vowed to fight the invaders of their homeland.
The U.S. fought Germany in World Wars I and II.
Definition 2:
To be involved in (a battle, struggle, etc.) .

fight [=wage] a war/battle for independence
fighting a duel
I think we’re fighting a losing battle. [=we are trying to do something that we will not be able to do]
Definition 3:
To argue in an angry way .

He and his wife are always fighting over/about money.
They fight (with each other) all the time.
Definition 4:
To try hard to do something that is difficult .

They were fighting [=struggling] to stay awake/alive.
We were fighting to protect our jobs.
Definition 5:
To work hard to defeat, end, or prevent something no obj + obj .

fighting against poverty
fighting against AIDS/cancer/crime
fighting poverty
The company fought the takeover attempt.
His lawyers have vowed that they will fight the court’s decision.
fight a fire
fight crime
Definition 6:
To struggle against (something) .

I’ve been fighting a cold all week.
We had to fight traffic [=to drive through a lot of traffic] all the way home.
Definition 7:
To try not to be affected by (a feeling, urge, etc.) .

He was fighting the urge/impulse to laugh. [=he was trying not to laugh]
Definition 8:
To participate in the sport of boxing no obj + obj .

He will fight for the heavyweight title next month.
He has fought several worthy opponents.
He fought several difficult matches on his way to the title.

Don’t close the page if you need other answers from the same crossword. Go back to this link to find Code Letter by Pat Sajak September 04, 2018

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