Boys, Girls, Men, Women Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
Individual human beings This sense of people is the plural of person. .

We met all sorts of people on the trip.
Rich/poor people
The neighbors are nice people.
The people next door own a dog.
Definition 2:
Human beings as a group :all or most people .

He doesn’t care what people think of him. [=he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him]
People can be really cruel sometimes.
People think the coach should be fired.
She tends to annoy people.
People say it’s impossible, but I’m still going to try.
Definition 3:
A group of people who share a quality, interest, etc. often used in compounds .

A book for young people
The American people
The environmental people [=the people who are interested in protecting the environment] are against the town’s plan to build more houses along the river.
City people [=people who live in cities]
Businesspeople [=people whose jobs involve business]
Definition 4:
A group of people who make up a race, tribe, nation, etc. .

A people who migrated across the Bering Strait
The native peoples of Mexico
peoples of Asia
Definition 5:
The ordinary people in a country who do not have special power or privileges .

She is well-liked as a senator because she listens to the people.
the common people
He is a man of the people. [=he is someone who understands or is like ordinary people]
Definition 6:
used to refer to the government of the U.S. or of a particular state in the name of a legal case .

The People vs. John Doe
Definition 7:
People who are related to or connected with someone: such as.

Definition 8:
People who are ruled or governed by someone .

The queen was loved by her people.
Definition 9:
Family members :people you are related to .

She is visiting her people [=folks, family] in Texas.
Where are your people from?
Definition 10:
The people who work for you or your company, organization, etc. .

Our people are working hard to restore electricity to the city.

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