Cause To Chuckle Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Code Letter Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Cause To Chuckle” from the Code Letter Crossword.
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Definition 1:
To make someone laugh or smile :to entertain (someone) in a light and pleasant way + obj no obj see also amusing.

His silly jokes amused the audience. = The audience was amused by his silly jokes. [=the audience found his silly jokes funny/entertaining/amusing]
It amuses me to think of how he looked when I last saw him.
That joke doesn’t amuse me. [=I don’t think that joke is funny]
The loss did not amuse the coach. [=the coach was not happy about the loss]
A funny story that never fails to amuse
Definition 2:
To get the attention of (someone) in a pleasant way as time passes .

We need to find something to amuse [=entertain, occupy] the children. = We need to find something to keep the children amused. [=we need to find something for the children to do so that they aren’t bored]
He amused himself with a game of solitaire.

Don’t close the page if you need other answers from the same crossword. Go back to this link to find Code Letter by Pat Sajak September 04, 2018

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