Commerce Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
The activity or process of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services :commerce see also free trade trade deficit trade surplus.

Foreign/international trade
The trade between the two countries
The tariff is a barrier to trade. = The tariff is a trade barrier.
trade agreements
A trade route [=a route used for transporting goods]
Definition 2:
The amount of things or services that are bought and sold :the money made by buying and selling things or services noncount singular .

Trade accounts for half of our gross national product.
The store does a brisk/lucrative trade in T-shirts. [=the store sells a lot of T-shirts]
Definition 3:
The act of exchanging one thing for another .

My cupcake for your brownie is a fair/good trade. [=swap]
Definition 4:
The act of giving one of your players to another team and getting one of their players in return .

The Tigers made a few good trades this season and picked up some promising players.
Definition 5:
A job.

Definition 6:
A job that requires special training and skills and that is done by using your hands count noncount see also jack-of-all-trades.

Are you interested in learning a new trade? [=learning the skills that are needed to perform a different job]
She entered the trade [=she began working in her profession] just after graduating from high school.
I am a carpenter/electrician/beautician by trade. [=I work as a carpenter/electrician/beautician]
Definition 7:
A certain kind of business or industry see also rag trade.

The drug trade
The tourist trade is our main source of state revenue.
A trade group/association
trade publications

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