Composer's Work Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To get points, goals, runs, etc., in a game or contest no obj + obj .

She scored twice in the game.
He scored a run/goal/touchdown.
Definition 2:
To be worth (a particular number of points) in a game or contest .

Each correct answer scores two points.
In American football, a touchdown scores six points.
Definition 3:
To officially record the number of points, goals, runs, etc., that each player or team gets in a game or contest no obj + obj .

Who’s going to score? [=keep score]
Who’s going to score the game?
Definition 4:
To give (someone or something) a grade or a particular number of points based on the number of correct answers on a test, the quality of a performance, etc. + obj no obj .

Judges will score the performances based on their artistic and technical features.
Which judges are scoring tonight?
Definition 5:
To write the music for (a movie, play, etc.) .

The movie was scored by a famous composer.
Definition 6:
To mark or cut the surface of (something) with a sharp object .

He used a sharp blade to score the glass.
Definition 7:
To achieve or earn (something) .

He scored a big success/hit in his first movie.
Definition 8:
To have success .

He has scored again with his latest thriller.
Definition 9:
To buy or get (illegal drugs) + obj no obj .

He couldn’t score any drugs.
Druggies come downtown looking to score.
Definition 10:
To get (something) .

I managed to score a couple of tickets to the game.
Definition 11:
To have sex with someone and especially with someone you do not know well .

Did you score (with her) last night?

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