Cook, as clams Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Cook, as clams from the NetWord Crossword. Bookmark this website for NetWord Crossword Answers.

Question: Cook, as clams

Solution: STEAM

STEAM Definition 1:
The hot gas that is created when water is boiled .
Careful, the steam from the pot is hot.
STEAM Definition 2:
Steam that is created by a machine and kept under pressure to provide power often used before another noun .
Steam drives the turbines.
A steam-powered engine
The boat runs on steam.
A steam engine/train
STEAM Definition 3:
Very small drops of water that form on a surface when warm air that contains a lot of water is cooled down .
He wiped the steam from the mirrors.
STEAM Definition 4:
The strength, force, or energy that allows something or someone to continue, to go faster, etc. .
Sales have lost steam [=have slowed down] in recent weeks.
The campaign quickly gained/gathered steam. [=became more popular and successful]
He was afraid he would run out of steam before the end of the race.
I was making good progress this morning, but now I’m starting to run out of steam.
The project is slowly picking up steam. [=slowly beginning to move ahead in a faster and more effective way]

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