Court Figure Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A person whose job is to keep track of records and documents for a business or office .

A bank/office clerk
A law clerk [=a person whose job is to assist a judge]
Definition 2:
An elected or appointed official whose job is to take care of official papers and business for a court or government .

Have the court clerk file your request with the judge.
A city/town clerk [=a person whose job is to record what happens at city or town meetings and to keep special information about the city or town]
Definition 3:
A person who works in a store .

He works as a clerk in a local pet store.
A grocery clerk
A sales clerk at a women’s clothing store
Definition 4:
A person who works at the main desk of a hotel assisting the people who are staying there .

A hotel clerk = a desk clerk

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