Crack Up Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To show that you are happy or that you think something is funny by smiling and making a sound from your throat often + at .

What are you laughing about?
The audience was laughing hysterically.
I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.
I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw what he was wearing.
I laughed out loud when I saw him.
I burst out laughing. [=I suddenly started laughing]
He laughed so hard I thought he’d die laughing.
The movie was hilarious. We laughed our heads off.
I laughed until I cried. [=I laughed so much that tears came out of my eyes]
(Brit) She was laughing like a drain. [=she was laughing very hard]
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry [=I was surprised and shocked] when she told me she was getting married.
It’s no laughing matter when you lose your job. [=it’s a serious and important thing that people should not joke about]
She laughed at the joke.
Why is everyone laughing at me?
Definition 2:
To think or say that someone or something is foolish and does not deserve serious attention or respect usually + at .

People laughed at his predictions of disaster, but no one’s laughing now.
Definition 3:
To not be bothered by something + at .

Sitting inside their tent, they were able to laugh at the weather.
He laughed at danger.
Definition 4:
To say (something) in an amused way .

“I’ve never seen anything so ridiculous,” he laughed.
Definition 5:
To cause (someone) to go, move, etc., by laughing Someone or something that is laughed out of court or (US) laughed out of town is regarded as very foolish and is not accepted or treated in a serious way. .

The audience laughed the singer off the stage.
They laughed him out of town.
He laughed himself sick. [=he made himself sick by laughing too much]
His theories were laughed out of court.

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