Create a pleat Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Create a pleat from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: Create a pleat

Solution: FOLD

FOLD Definition 1:
To bend one part of (something) over or against another part + obj no obj .
He folded the paper in half and then unfolded it again.
Fold the flaps open/shut.
He folded the blanket and laid it at the foot of the bed.
She folded over the edge of the fabric to make a hem.
A piece of paper folded into the shape of a bird
The paper folded easily.
The map folds neatly/flat so you can fit it in a pocket.
FOLD Definition 2:
To reduce the length or size of something (such as a piece of furniture) by moving parts of it so that they lie close together + obj no obj .
We folded (up) the lawn chair and put it in the trunk.
The lawn chair folded (up) easily.
The bed folds (away) into a space in the wall.
FOLD Definition 3:
To put your arm or hand over your other arm or hand in a way that keeps them together .
She folded [=crossed] her arms across her chest.
She folded her hands on her lap.
He folded his arms around her.
Hands folded in prayer
FOLD Definition 4:
To bend (a leg, a knee, an elbow, etc.) .
He sat with his legs folded under him.
FOLD Definition 5:
To put your arms around (someone) :embrace .
She folded him in her arms.
FOLD Definition 6:
To add (a food ingredient) to a mixture by gently and repeatedly lifting one part over another .
Fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture.
FOLD Definition 7:
To fail completely :collapse .
The business folded.
FOLD Definition 8:
To accept defeat in a card game (such as poker) by removing your cards from the game .
Realizing that she probably wasn’t bluffing, he decided to fold.

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