“Ctrl-S” Command Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To keep (someone or something) safe :to stop (someone or something) from dying or being hurt, damaged, or lost .

He risked his life to save his friend (from drowning).
The organization is dedicated to saving [=protecting] endangered animals.
We need to save the rain forests (from destruction).
He grabbed her arm to save her from falling. [=to stop/prevent her from falling so that she would not be hurt]
The doctors managed to save the soldier’s wounded leg. [=to keep the leg from having to be cut off]
Definition 2:
To stop (something) from ending or failing :to make (something that is in danger of failing) successful .

He is trying to save his marriage by going to counseling for his drug addiction.
The new CEO saved the company (from bankruptcy).
She saved a tense situation by staying calm.
Definition 3:
To keep (something) from being lost or wasted + obj no obj + on .

This new plan will help us save time. = The new plan will save us some time.
Thinner computer monitors save space.
A more efficient furnace will save on energy.
Definition 4:
To keep money instead of spending it :to put money away especially in a bank so that you will have it in the future no obj + obj .

She would rather save than spend.
He has been saving (up) for a new car.
Save a little money for later.
She saves part of her pay every week.
I saved $20,000 for a down payment on the house.
Definition 5:
To spend less money no obj often + on + obj often + on .

Buy now and save!
Save on everything in the store!
He saved on [=spent less money for] his car insurance by switching to a different insurance company.
She saved $15 at the grocery store by using coupons.
We’re trying to save money on our electric bill.
Definition 6:
To keep (something) available for use in the future .

Be sure to save some cookies for your sister.
You need to save (up) your energy for tomorrow.
He saves his best jacket for special occasions. [=he only wears his best jacket on special occasions]
The runners saved their energy for the last lap. = The runners saved themselves for the last lap.
Definition 7:
To keep (something) for someone to use or have .

She saved a seat for her friend.
Please save the next dance for me. = Please save me the next dance. [=please don’t plan to dance the next dance with anyone but me]
Definition 8:
To make (something) unnecessary .

Check that you have everything before you leave. It will save your having to go back again.
The shortcut saves an hour’s driving.
Definition 9:
To keep (someone) from doing something often + from .

Thanks for sending out that package. It saved me a trip to the post office.
I’ll make the appointment for you to save you the trouble/bother. [=so that you don’t have to do it yourself]
You should cut up the vegetables to save you from doing it later when the guests are here.
Definition 10:
To collect or keep (something) .

She saved all his letters.
Definition 11:
To store (data) in a computer or on a storage device (such as a CD) so that it can be used later + obj no obj .

You should save your work on/to a disk.
save a file
Don’t forget to save before you close the file.
Definition 12:
To stop (an opponent’s shot) from scoring a goal .

He saved the penalty kick/shot.
Definition 13:
To keep (a game) from being lost to an opponent .

The relief pitcher saved the game.
Definition 14:
To protect or free (someone) from sin or evil + obj no obj .

He believes that Jesus Christ will save him.
Jesus saves.

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