Desert Caravan Stop Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Code Letter Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Desert Caravan Stop” from the Code Letter Crossword.
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Definition 1:
An area in a desert where there is water and plants .

A desert oasis
Definition 2:
A pleasant place that is surrounded by something unpleasant .

The small park is a welcome oasis amid the city’s many factories.
An oasis of quiet
Definition 3:
A time or experience that is pleasant and restful .

Our brief trip to the beach was a much-needed oasis in a summer of hard work.

Don’t close the page if you need other answers from the same crossword. Go back to this link to find Code Letter by Pat Sajak September 04, 2018

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