Disney Cocker Spaniel Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A woman who behaves in a polite way .

Her mother was always telling her to act like a lady.
She’s a real lady.
Definition 2:
woman used especially in polite speech or when speaking to a group of women sometimes used informally in U.S. English when speaking to one woman sometimes used informally before another noun The phrase young lady is used in informal speech as a form of address for a girl or young woman. An angry parent speaking to a daughter, for example, might address her as young lady. see also bag lady cleaning lady dragon lady lady luck at luck.

He bumped into some lady walking to the bus stop.
(chiefly US, informal) She’s one feisty/sexy lady, I can tell you!
He helped a little old lady cross the street.
The lady behind the counter will take your order.
She told her little boy to say “thank you” to the nice lady for helping them.
Would someone please get the/this lady a chair?
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!
Please step this way, ladies.
Hey, lady, you forgot your purse! [=(more commonly and politely) excuse me, ma’am, you forgot your purse]
A lady doctor [=(more commonly and politely) a female/woman doctor]
Just where do you think you’re going, young lady?!
Definition 3:
A woman of high social position .

The ladies of society
Definition 4:
A man’s girlfriend .

I’ve been wanting to meet his new lady.
Definition 5:
A man’s wife .

What would you and your good lady like to drink?
Definition 6:
A woman who is a member of the nobility used as a title .

Lady Margaret

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