Do A Marketing Job Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A container made of thin material (such as paper, plastic, or cloth) that opens at the top and is used for holding or carrying things .

She packed her lunch in a paper bag.
(US) a garbage/trash bag = (Brit) a rubbish bag
(US) grocery bags = (Brit) carrier bags [=plastic or paper bags used for holding items bought at a store]
Definition 2:
A soft container carried by a woman and used to hold money and other small things (such as keys or makeup) see also handbag shoulder bag.

She put the pencil in her bag.
Definition 3:
A container used for carrying personal things (such as clothes) when you are going somewhere usually plural .

An overnight bag
A gym bag
We carried our bags [=suitcases, luggage] to the hotel room.
She packed her bags and left.
Definition 4:
The amount of something that is inside a bag .

We ate two bags [=bagfuls] of potato chips.
A bag of apples/flour/fertilizer
Definition 5:
An area of swollen and often dark skin under a person’s eyes .

A tired old man with bags under his eyes
Definition 6:
A collection of different things (such as ideas) see also grab bag mixed bag ragbag.

They tried using their usual bag of tricks.
Definition 7:
Something that a person likes to do :something that a person does well .

Housecleaning isn’t her bag. [=she doesn’t like housecleaning]
I’ve tried living in the city, but it’s just not my bag.
Definition 8:
A square white bag that marks the position of first base, second base, and third base .

He slid into the bag and was safe at second base.
Definition 9:
used as an insulting word for an old woman .

Shut up, you old bag!
Definition 10:
A large amount of something .

There’s no need to hurry. We’ve still got bags [=lots] of time.

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