Electoral Choice Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To make an official choice for or against someone or something by casting a ballot, raising your hand, speaking your choice aloud, etc. .

Citizens will vote today for their new governor.
Did you vote in the last election?
The committee hasn’t yet voted on the matter.
She generally votes Republican/Democratic.
Congress voted 121 to 16 to pass the bill.
He voted against the proposal.
Most people voted for school reform. = Most people voted in favor of school reform.
Definition 2:
To make a decision about (someone or something) by voting: such as.

Definition 3:
To make (something) legal by a vote .

They voted the referendum into law.
Definition 4:
To choose (someone or something) for an award by voting usually used as (be) voted .

He was voted Bachelor of the Year.
Definition 5:
To officially agree to give (someone) something by voting .

Senators voted themselves a pay raise despite the budget shortfall.
Definition 6:
To suggest (something) for others to agree or disagree with .

We have to decide what to do about dinner. I vote that we get a pizza.

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