Escalator Option Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
From a higher to a lower place or position .

The land slopes down to the sea.
Please pull down the window shade. = Please pull the window shade down.
I’ll come down [=downstairs] in a minute.
She called down to her friends in the street below.
They set/put the cake down on the table.
Lay down your book for a minute.
We watched the sun go down.
Definition 2:
In a low position or place .

Keep your head down.
We keep our wine collection down in the basement.
What’s going on down there?
Definition 3:
To or toward the ground or floor .

He fell down and hurt his knee.
Climb down out of that tree!
He knocked him down with one punch.
Don’t look down!
Brightly colored flags hang down from the ceiling.
Definition 4:
To a lying or sitting position .

Please, sit down.
Lie down and go to sleep.
Definition 5:
To or toward the south .

They went down to Florida for two weeks.
We drove down from New York.
The weather’s much warmer down south.
Definition 6:
To or toward a place that is thought of as below or away from another place .

She drove down to our house.
Come on down and see us sometime.
Definition 7:
To or toward a place that is away from the speaker .

He is heading down to the store.
Would you mind moving (further) down so that we can sit here, too?
Definition 8:
On a piece of paper .

Write down everything he says.
Take down this number.
Did you get that down?
Definition 9:
At a lower or lesser important position in a list or series opposite up.

Supporting public education seems to be far down [=low] on the government’s agenda.
Cleaning my house ranks pretty far down on my list. [=there are many other things I’d rather do]
Definition 10:
To a lower or lesser degree, level, or rate opposite up.

Slow down.
Could you turn the volume down, please?
We should give them some time to cool down.
We should wait for the winds to calm down before we set sail.
The company’s stock went down last week.
The team was 10 points down [=it had 10 fewer points than the other team] in the third quarter.
The price of gasoline is starting to go down again.
Definition 11:
To a smaller or weaker state often + to .

We have scaled down our plans for the new building.
Some people want to use the budget surplus to pay down the national debt. [=to make payments that will reduce the a national debt]
They have cut/whittled down the number of candidates.
He finally got his report down to three pages.
Definition 12:
To a state of failure or defeat .

The school board voted the budget down 55 to 15. [=it voted not to pass the budget]
Definition 13:
In a way that causes someone or something to be less able to move .

Remember to tie down the load.
They had to strap the patient down to his bed.
Definition 14:
In a thorough or complete way .

The car needs to be washed down.
Hose the dog down outside.
Definition 15:
To the place where a person or thing is or came from .

They use dogs to hunt down escaped prisoners.
He chased the ball down and threw it to third base.
Every attempt to pin down the cause of the disease has proved unsuccessful.
I haven’t been able to track down that quotation.
Definition 16:
From a past time .

This vase has been handed down in our family for several generations.
Most of these stories were passed down by word of mouth.
Definition 17:
As a first payment :as a down payment .

We put 10 percent down [=we made a 10 percent down payment] on the house.
Buy a car now with no money down. [=without making a down payment]
Definition 18:
In the stomach .

The baby is having trouble keeping food down.
Definition 19:
Away from a school or university .

He was sent down for misconduct and never earned his degree.

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