Euro Forerunner Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A small area on the surface of something that is dirty, damaged, etc. see also black mark.

A burn/scratch mark
The glass left a water mark on the wooden table.
Definition 2:
An area of something (such as an animal’s fur or skin) that is a different color from the area around it see also birthmark strawberry mark stretch marks.

The cat has white fur with some black marks on its head and tail.
Definition 3:
A written or printed shape or symbol see also punctuation mark.

Proofreading marks
Definition 4:
A symbol or shape on something that identifies it, shows its quality, etc. see also landmark postmark trademark.

The goldsmith’s mark is stamped on the back.
Definition 5:
A cross made in place of a signature by someone who cannot read and write .

We read him the document and he made his mark on it.
Definition 6:
Something that shows how someone feels about something :a sign or indication of something .

He gave her the necklace as a mark of his esteem.
They left flowers on the grave as a mark of respect.
Those extra responsibilities he’s giving you are a mark of confidence. [=they show that he has confidence in you]
Definition 7:
A quality or trait that is typical of a particular type of person or thing + of .

Courtesy is the mark [=hallmark, sign] of a true gentleman.
A willingness to ask tough questions is the mark of a good journalist.
He thinks that indecisiveness is a mark of weakness. [=indecisiveness shows weakness]
Definition 8:
A number or letter that indicates how a student has performed in a class or on a test :grade often used figuratively see also full marks.

I got a good/high/low mark in/for English.
I got a good/high/low mark on the spelling test.
She barely earned passing marks in her first year of college.
Failing marks
I’ll give them high/top marks for honesty. [=they are very honest; I give them a lot of praise and credit for being honest]
Definition 9:
A specified point or level see also high-water mark.

We’re at the halfway mark in the first period of play.
The population has topped the 1,000,000 mark.
Definition 10:
Something that is aimed at or shot at :target often used figuratively .

The arrow hit/missed/overshot the mark.
The bullet found its mark. [=hit the target that was aimed for]
Our fund-raising fell/was short of the mark. [=we did not raise as much money as we needed]
Definition 11:
A person who is tricked into losing money or property .

They proved to be easy marks for the swindler.
Definition 12:
The line or place where a race starts .

The runners were told to take their marks. [=to get into position for the start of the race]
On your mark, get set, go!

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