Event In Many Paper Towel Ads Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To cause or allow (something) to fall, flow, or run over the edge of a container usually in an accidental way sometimes used figuratively .

I accidentally spilled coffee all over my new suit.
Clean up the flour you spilled on the floor.
A puddle of spilled water
She opened her purse and spilled its contents (out) onto the table.
The bag ripped open and spilled (out) its contents all over the floor.
He spilled his thoughts out to her. [=he told her his thoughts in a very free and open way]
Definition 2:
To fall or flow over the edge of a container sometimes used figuratively .

Milk spilled (out) onto the table.
Water spilled over the dam.
The bag ripped open and the flour spilled (out) onto the floor.
Her hair spilled down her back.
All his thoughts suddenly came spilling out. [=he suddenly began to express all his thoughts]
Definition 3:
To move or spread out into a wider place or area .

After the movie the crowd spilled (out) into/onto the street.
She opened the door and light spilled into the room.
Definition 4:
To tell (a secret) to someone .

An interviewer who gets celebrities to spill their secrets
Come on, spill it. Who gave you the money?

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