Expects The Return Of Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Code Letter Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Expects The Return Of” from the Code Letter Crossword.
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Definition 1:
To give (something) to (someone) to be used for a period of time and then returned .

She often lends us books. = She often lends books to us.
Could you lend me your pen? [=could I borrow your pen?]
I lent our ladder to the neighbors.
Definition 2:
To give (money) to someone who agrees to pay it back in the future + obj no obj .

Can you lend me 50 cents? [=can I borrow 50 cents from you?]
The bank wouldn’t lend us the money.
Many banks won’t lend to people with bad credit.
Definition 3:
To make (something) available to (someone or something) .

They offered to lend us their services. [=to provide us with their services]
They are glad to lend their support to worthy causes.
It’s surprising that he would lend his name to such a venture. [=that he would allow his name to be associated with such a venture]
Definition 4:
To add (something that is needed or wanted) to (something) .

A bit of grated carrot lends some color to the dish. = A bit of grated carrot lends the dish some color.
A growing amount of evidence lends weight/credence/credibility to their theory. [=makes their theory seem true or correct]
Definition 5:
To provide (something that is needed or wanted) .

She’s always there to lend a (helping) hand. [=she’s always there to help]

Don’t close the page if you need other answers from the same crossword. Go back to this link to find Code Letter by Pat Sajak November 29, 2018

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