Extra Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Extra from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: Extra

Solution: TOSPARE

TOSPARE Definition 1:
To choose not to punish or harm (someone) .
No one knows why the gunman shot some people and spared others.
No one knows why he spared their lives. [=why he didn’t kill them]
TOSPARE Definition 2:
To not destroy or harm (something) .
Somehow the storm spared our house while nearby buildings were destroyed.
TOSPARE Definition 3:
To prevent (someone or something) from experiencing or being affected by something unpleasant, harmful, etc. .
She was spared from having to answer any more questions.
He wanted to spare his family from the stress he had endured.
Our church was spared the fate of many others that have been closed. [=our church was not closed]
I could have spared myself the trouble.
He spared them the embarrassment of a public apology.
TOSPARE Definition 4:
To give (something, such as time, money, etc.) to someone .
Can you spare (me) a few minutes? [=can you spend a few minutes with me?]
I can’t spare the time to see you today. [=I don’t have enough time to see you today]
If you could spare a cup of sugar, it would save me a trip to the store.
You should spare a thought for [=think about] those who are less fortunate than you.
TOSPARE Definition 5:
To not do or provide (something) .
Nothing was spared by the hotel [=the hotel provided everything possible] to make its guests relaxed and comfortable.
We will spare no effort [=we will do everything we can] to ensure the safety of the tunnels.
When they go on vacation, they spare no expense. [=they do not worry about spending too much money; they spend a lot of money]
He said that he would spare no expense [=he would spend as much money as necessary] to make the restaurant successful.
TOSPARE Definition 6:
To use or give out (something) in small amounts usually used in negative statements .
More pancakes, please, and don’t spare the syrup. [=give me a lot of syrup]

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