Far-off Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Thomas Joseph Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Far-off” from the Thomas Joseph Crossword.
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Definition 1:
Far away :distant .

She enjoys reading about remote lands.
remote galaxies
Definition 2:
Far away from other people, houses, cities, etc. .

A remote island/village
The mission is to transport medical supplies to remote areas/places/regions of the globe.
Definition 3:
Far away in time :happening a long time ago or far into the future .

A tradition that dates back to remote antiquity
An invention that may be available in the remote future
Definition 4:
Very small :slight .

There is a remote possibility that I’ll be free Friday night.
A remote chance [=a very small possibility]
Definition 5:
Not closely related .

remote ancestors
Definition 6:
Very different from something .

Their traditions are remote from our own.
Definition 7:
Not friendly or involved with other people :distant or cold in manner .

She became very remote in her old age.
Definition 8:
Connected to a computer system from another place .

A remote computer/machine/terminal
Remote users cannot access these files.
The computer is capable of remote access. [=it is possible to become connected to this computer from another place]
Definition 9:
Capable of being controlled from a distance .

A remote camera
remote sensors

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