Film Studio Stages Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To put (something) in a place or position .

Set your books (down) on the table.
We need to set some extra chairs around the table.
He set the ladder against the wall and walked away.
I remember setting my bag right here.
Definition 2:
To put (something) into the surface of something often used as (be) set .

They set the bricks along the walkway.
The posts are set firmly in the ground.
The tiles are set into the wall.
Definition 3:
To attach (something, such as a jewel) to a piece of jewelry or other decoration often used as (be) set .

The jeweler can set the stone several different ways.
Her wedding ring is set [=inlaid] with seven diamonds.
A diamond set in a simple gold band
Definition 4:
To cause the action of (a film, story, etc.) to happen in a certain place or during a certain time often used as (be) set .

The play is set in Verona, Italy. [=the action of the play takes place in Verona]
The novel is set in 1943.
A novel set during World War II
The story is set against (the backdrop of) the Second World War. [=the story takes place during the Second World War]
Definition 5:
To make (something) ready to be used :to put (something) in a position to be used .

He turned off the car and set the parking brake.
Rangers will set a trap to catch the bear.
Definition 6:
To put plates, forks, spoons, knives, etc., on a table before serving a meal .

Would you please set [=(Brit) lay] the table?
We set an extra place at the table for our guest.
The table was set for two. [=it had two place settings]
Definition 7:
To cause (a clock) to show a particular time :to cause the controls of (a clock or other device) to be in a particular position .

We set the clocks ahead one hour for daylight saving time.
The alarm was set for 7:00 a.m. = The alarm was set to go off at 7:00 a.m.
I set the timer for/to twenty minutes.
Set the oven to 350 degrees.
In the winter, she sets the thermostat at/to 68 degrees.
Definition 8:
To decide on or choose (something) .

I set a goal (for myself) to lose 15 pounds by the end of the year.
The company must meet certain conditions set by the government in order to stay in business.
She will be setting the agenda for this afternoon’s meeting.
setting boundaries/limits/rules
NASA has not yet set [=named] the date for the shuttle launch.
He has set his sights on becoming [=he has decided to try to become] the next president.
We don’t have enough time to do everything. We have to set priorities. [=to decide which things are most important to do]
Definition 9:
To give (a particular price or value) to something .

An antiques appraiser set the value of the chair at $500.
If you set your prices too high, no one will buy your products.
Her bail was set at $10,000. = The judge set (her) bail at $10,000. [=the judge decided that she will have to pay $10,000 or stay in jail until her trial]
Definition 10:
To give (a high value or importance) to something .

They set a high value on their privacy. [=they value their privacy very highly]
Our family sets great store by/on tradition. [=our family believes that tradition is very important]
Definition 11:
To cause (something) to be accepted as an example, rule, etc. :to establish (a standard, trend, etc.) for others to follow or try to copy .

They are improving the safety of their vehicles and setting a higher standard for other companies (to follow).
His style of directing has set a new trend in moviemaking. [=other directors are copying his way of making movies]
His behavior sets a good/bad example for the rest of the children.
The ruling is likely to set a precedent for how future cases are decided. [=future cases will be decided based on this case]
Her lighthearted question set the tone for the rest of the interview. [=it gave the rest of the interview a light and easy feeling]
Definition 12:
To establish (a record) as the performance or achievement that is the best of its kind .

She set a record for the most sales in the company’s history. [=she made more sales for the company than anyone else ever had]
He set the world record for/in the 100-meter dash.
Definition 13:
To cause (someone or something) to be in a specified condition .

The slaves were set free.
He made a raft and set it afloat in the river.
They set the house on fire. = They set fire to the house. = (more formally) They set the house afire/aflame/ablaze. [=they caused the house to begin burning]
I wish I knew how to set your mind at ease. [=to help you stop worrying]
She set him right/straight about what happened. [=she told him that he was wrong and explained what really happened]
We should set our own house in order [=correct the way we do things] before we criticize them.
Definition 14:
To cause (someone or something) to start doing something + obj often + to no obj .

We have no idea what set [=got] her crying.
Her question set me to wondering if I had made the right decision.
They are ready to set the plan in motion. [=they are ready to cause the plan to start happening]
The plan has been set in motion.
Sources say that the governor has set the wheels in motion for a run for the presidency. [=the governor has started to run for president]
He immediately set to work [=started working] on the project.
Definition 15:
To give (someone) a particular job :to require someone to do (a task) .

My boss set me to organizing the files.
She set [=assigned] her students the task of writing a three-page report.
setting homework for the children
Definition 16:
To move down in the sky and go below the horizon opposite rise 5.

We sat on the beach and watched the sun set.
Definition 17:
To put and hold (your jaw, mouth, etc.) firmly into a certain position .

She crossed her arms, set her jaw, and refused to answer any questions.
He set his lips firmly.
Definition 18:
To become thick or hard .

The gelatin needs a few hours to set.
My nail polish is still setting.
A quick-setting cement
Definition 19:
To become permanent no obj + obj .

If you don’t wash your shirt right away, the stain will set. [=you will not be able to remove the stain]
Hot water will set the stain.
Definition 20:
To put (a broken bone) into its normal position so it can heal + obj no obj .

Doctors set her broken leg last week.
The bones will take several weeks to set. [=grow together]
Definition 21:
To give a particular style to (someone’s hair) by wetting it, putting it in curlers or clips, and drying it .

She gets her hair set and styled twice a week.
Definition 22:
To type or print (a word, sentence, etc.) in a particular form or style .

A word set in italics
Definition 23:
To add music to (words) :to create (music) to accompany words usually + to .

She wrote the lyrics, and he set them to music.

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