Firehouse Warning Signals Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A device that makes a loud sound as a warning or signal In figurative usage, when alarm bells are ringing people are worried about a possible problem or danger. see also burglar alarm false alarm fire alarm smoke alarm.

The alarm went off when he opened the door.
A car alarm
The whole town heard the alarm.
His long absence from school set (the) alarm bells ringing and we finally called the police.
Definition 2:
alarm clock .

She set the alarm for six o’clock.
The alarm went off at six o’clock.
Definition 3:
A feeling of fear caused by a sudden sense of danger fear.

The rumors caused widespread alarm and concern.
His parents have expressed alarm about/for his safety.
The new developments are being viewed with alarm.
She looked around in alarm when she heard the noise.
There’s no cause for alarm. [=there is no reason to be worried or afraid]
Definition 4:
A warning of danger .

The dog’s barking gave the alarm and the intruders were caught.
A passerby saw the intruders and raised the alarm.
They have ignored repeated alarms about the dangers of smoking.
Economists have raised/sounded the alarm [=have warned people] about a possible recession.
Economists have been raising/sounding alarms about a possible recession.

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