Forbearance From The Judge Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
Kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly .

He is a vicious criminal who deserves no mercy.
She fell to her knees and asked/begged/pleaded for mercy.
Have you no mercy? = Are you utterly without mercy?
May God have mercy on us all. [=may God treat us all with kindness and forgiveness]
He showed no mercy to his enemies. = He showed his enemies no mercy. [=he treated his enemies very harshly]
The boss took mercy on us [=he treated us kindly] and let us go home early.
A man of mercy [=a man who treats other people with kindness and forgiveness]
The prisoner confessed his crimes and threw himself on the mercy of the court. [=the prisoner begged the court for mercy]
Definition 2:
Kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation .

An act of mercy
They came on a mission/errand of mercy to provide food and medical care for starving children.
A mercy mission
Definition 3:
A good or lucky fact or situation .

It’s a mercy that the building was empty when the fire started.
We should be grateful/thankful for small mercies. [=even though bad things have happened to us, we should be grateful that our situation is not worse]
Thank heaven for small mercies.
Definition 4:
used as an interjection to show surprise .

Mercy! That wind is cold!
I’m not hungry, but mercy [=heavens, goodness], that food sure does smell good!
Mercy me! That wind is cold.

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