Gang’s Territory Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
The upper layer of ground that is made up of grass and plant roots .

A piece of turf
Definition 2:
A square piece of turf cut out of the ground that is used for making lawns count noncount .

A lawn made by laying turfs
A lawn made by laying turf [=(US) sod]
Definition 3:
A material that looks like grass and that is used especially to cover athletic fields noncount count .

Synthetic turf was installed in the playing field instead of grass.
Playing fields with artificial turfs
Definition 4:
An area or a place that you control or that feels like your home count noncount often used figuratively .

Gangs defending/protecting their turfs
The team beat us on our own turf. [=we were defeated at home]
Gangs defending/protecting their turf
The team played on home turf.
turf wars between gangs
In chapter two, the author is on unfamiliar turf. [=is dealing with an unfamiliar subject]
Definition 5:
The sport or business of horse racing often used as turf before another noun .

turf writers/races

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