Garage Installation Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling caused by something unexpected usually singular often + of see also culture shock sticker shock.

If you haven’t been there for a while, prepare yourself for a shock: the place has changed a lot.
A terrible/nasty shock
You’re in for a big/rude shock if you think this job will be easy.
The shock of discovering that someone you love has betrayed you
He got the shock of his life [=he was very unpleasantly surprised] when he saw his own name on the list.
Definition 2:
Something unexpected that causes a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling usually singular .

Seeing his parents at the rock concert was a shock.
Her death came as a shock to the family.
It came as quite a shock.
It is something of a shock to learn/discover that she is guilty.
Definition 3:
A state in which you are experiencing a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling because of something unexpected .

She stood there in shock as he told her what had happened.
They were in a state of shock after hearing the news. = They were in shock over the news.
Definition 4:
A sudden bad change in something .

Unfortunately, it’s the poor who are most vulnerable to this kind of economic shock.
Oil/energy price shocks
Definition 5:
A serious condition in which the body is not able to get enough blood to all the parts of the body Shock is caused by a severe injury, a large loss of blood, etc. see also shell shock toxic shock syndrome.

She was treated/hospitalized for shock after the accident.
He was in (a state of) shock. = He was suffering from shock.
Definition 6:
The effect of a strong charge of electricity passing through the body of a person or animal usually singular .

When the wires touched, I got a shock.
An electric shock
I walked across the carpet and then got a shock when I touched the metal doorknob.
Definition 7:
shock absorber usually plural .

The car needs new shocks.
Definition 8:
A violent shake count often + of noncount .

An earthquake shock
The building is made to withstand large shocks.
The shock of the explosion
The car’s bumper absorbs shock on impact.

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