“Good Morning Starshine” Musical Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal .

He plucked a hair from his arm.
There are dog/cat hairs all over my coat.
Definition 2:
A covering or growth of hairs .

The hair on her arms is blond.
He has a lot of hair on his chest.
Facial/pubic hair
Definition 3:
The covering of hairs on a person’s head .

He got his hair cut last week.
Your hair looks nice.
She has long/black/straight hair.
He has a thick/full head of hair.
A balding man who is losing his hair
A lock/strand of hair
hair conditioners/curlers
A hair dryer
I’m having a bad hair day. [=my hair does not look nice today]
Definition 4:
A very small distance or amount .

He won the race by a hair.
He was a hair off on the count.

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