Greyhound Posting Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A plan of things that will be done and the times when they will be done count noncount .

I have a hectic/busy/full schedule this week.
Students are planning their class/course schedules for next year.
I have a flexible schedule [=I can change the times when I need to do things], so I can meet you at any time.
Sorting the mail is part of her daily schedule.
We have a tight schedule to get this project done. [=we have a small amount of time to finish the project]
The bus arrived on schedule. [=on time; arrived at the time it was expected]
So far, everything is on schedule. [=everything is happening at the time that was planned]
The builders were ahead of schedule. [=the builders were completing work earlier than planned]
If we get too far behind/off schedule [=if we do things later than planned] we will not be able to catch up later.
The project is going according to schedule. [=things are happening as planned]
Definition 2:
A written or printed list of things and the times when they will be done .

I lost my class/course schedule.
Definition 3:
A list of the times when buses, trains, airplanes, etc., leave or arrive .

A bus/train/airplane/flight schedule [=(Brit) timetable]
Definition 4:
A list of the television or radio programs that are on a particular channel and the times that they begin .

A programming schedule
Definition 5:
A list of prices or rates .

The doctor’s fee schedule
A tax schedule

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