Halloween Hue Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
Having the very dark color of coal or the night sky .

black ink
A black dress
Definition 2:
Very dark because there is no light .

A black night
Definition 3:
Of or relating to a race of people who have dark skin and who come originally from Africa In the U.S., the term African-American is often preferred over black when referring to Americans of African descent..

black people
black culture
Definition 4:
Very dirty .

His hand were black with grime.
Definition 5:
Served without cream or milk .

black coffee
Definition 6:
Evil or wicked see also black art black magic.

A black deed
Definition 7:
Very sad or hopeless :bleak .

The outlook was black.
When they heard the terrible news, they were filled with black despair.
Definition 8:
Very tragic or unhappy .

That was a black day in our country’s history.
Definition 9:
Marked by anger or hatred .

A black [=very angry] look darkened his face.
black resentment
A black mood
Definition 10:
used to describe humor that deals with subjects which are usually regarded as very serious or unpleasant .

The film is a black comedy set in a funeral home.
black humor

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