Hard ___ (aggressive pitch) Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Hard ___ (aggressive pitch) from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: Hard ___ (aggressive pitch)

Solution: SELL

SELL Definition 1:
To exchange (something) for money + obj no obj opposite buy.
He sold his car.
He buys and remodels houses and then sells them at a profit.
She sold him a watch for $20. = She sold a watch to him for $20.
Stock prices are increasing, so now is a good time to sell.
SELL Definition 2:
To make (something) available to be bought .
Only a few stores sell that type of equipment.
She sells insurance. [=she has the job of selling insurance to people]
He is selling his car for $1,000. [=he is offering his car for sale at a price of $1,000]
SELL Definition 3:
To be able to be bought for a particular price + for or at .
Those cookies sell for a dollar apiece.
All items in the store are selling at half price.
SELL Definition 4:
To be bought by someone or by many people .
That house still hasn’t sold. [=no one has bought that house]
The houses in that neighborhood aren’t selling. [=people aren’t buying the houses that are for sale in that neighborhood]
They hope the new version will sell better than the old one. [=they hope that more people will buy the new version]
The dictionary is selling well. [=many people are buying copies of the dictionary]
The newest model just didn’t sell. [=very few people bought it]
SELL Definition 5:
used to say how many copies of something have been sold .
Their first album sold more than a a million copies. [=more than a million copies of the album were bought]
SELL Definition 6:
To cause people to want to buy (something) :to cause the sale of (something) + obj no obj .
His name on the cover sells the book.
Good advertising sells.
SELL Definition 7:
To persuade someone to accept or approve of (something or someone) .
He had a difficult time selling his theory to other scientists.
You will really have to sell yourself at the interview to get that job.

Need other answers from the same crossword? Go back to this link to find another answer The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers August 24, 2018

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