Hazy Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Hazy from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: Hazy

Solution: VAGUE

VAGUE Definition 1:
Not clear in meaning :stated in a way that is general and not specific .
The instructions she left were vague and difficult to follow.
He gave only a vague answer.
The judges determined that the law was too vague to be fairly enforced.
VAGUE Definition 2:
Not thinking or expressing your thoughts clearly or precisely .
She has been vague about her plans for college.
When I asked him what they talked about, he was rather vague. [=he did not tell me exactly what they talked about]
VAGUE Definition 3:
Not completely formed or developed .
vague memories/recollections
We had only a vague idea/notion of where we were.
I think I have a vague understanding of how it works.
He bore a vague resemblance to the famous actor. [=he looked a little like the famous actor]
VAGUE Definition 4:
Not able to be described clearly :not clearly or strongly felt obscure.
He longed in some vague way for something different.
She felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him.
I had the vague impression that they were withholding information.
VAGUE Definition 5:
Not able to be seen clearly .
vague [=indistinct] figures in the distance
We could just barely make out the vague outline of a plane in the sky.

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