Hit With A Laser Gun Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To attack, destroy, or kill (someone or something) quickly often used figuratively .

The flowers were zapped by the cold weather.
The loss on Monday zapped [=killed] any chance the team had to go on to the finals.
He was zapped [=hit] with a finance charge because of a single late payment.
Definition 2:
To hit (someone or something) with electricity .

Lightning zapped [=struck] the tree. = The tree was zapped by lightning.
She won’t work with the wiring because she’s afraid of getting zapped. [=shocked, electrocuted]
Definition 3:
To shoot (someone or something) with an electric gun, laser, etc. .

The aliens in the movie zapped people from spaceships.
The doctor zapped [=removed] a mole on the patient’s back with a laser.
Definition 4:
To heat or cook (something) in a microwave oven .

She reheated her muffin by zapping it in the microwave for a few seconds.
Definition 5:
To change what you are watching on television by using an electronic device (called a remote control) no obj + obj .

I zapped through the channels for a while before falling asleep.
We tape the show so we can zap through the commercials.
We tape the show so we can zap [=skip] the commercials.
Definition 6:
To move quickly or suddenly .

Pain zapped through his ankle.
Definition 7:
To send (something or someone) quickly from one place to another through electronic means .

He can zap the file to the office from his laptop.
The images can be zapped into our homes from anywhere via satellite.
In the movie the hero is zapped into the past in a time machine.

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