How trolls make you feel Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: How trolls make you feel from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: How trolls make you feel

Solution: MAD

MAD Definition 1:
Very angry see also fighting mad at fight.
If you keep teasing that dog, you’ll make/get him mad.
She’s mad at me. = (less commonly) She’s mad with me.
What are you so mad about?
That guy makes me so mad!
She was mad at me for being late. = She was mad that I was late. = She was mad about my being late.
She was hopping mad. [=extremely angry]
MAD Definition 2:
Having or showing severe mental illness :insane .
(chiefly Brit) The man in the park was clearly mad.
A movie about a mad scientistHe was stark raving mad. [=completely insane] = (Brit) He was barking mad.
MAD Definition 3:
Unable to think in a clear or sensible way .
He was mad [=insane] with jealousy/anger.
(chiefly Brit) They must have been mad [=crazy] to buy that house.
A power-mad prosecutor
MAD Definition 4:
Very foolish .
(chiefly Brit) He made a mad decision to drive home in the storm.
MAD Definition 5:
Liking someone or something very much :very fond of or enthusiastic about someone or something often + about .
She’s mad for a cute boy in her class.
He’s mad keen on sailing.
She’s mad [=wild] about dancing.
He’s mad [=crazy] about her.
MAD Definition 6:
Wild and uncontrolled .
There was a mad [=frantic] rush when the store opened.
A mad scramble

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