Invective, E.g. Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To treat (a person or animal) in a harsh or harmful way .

He abused [=mistreated] his wife both mentally and physically.
abuse a dog
He was accused of sexually/physically/psychologically abusing a child.
Definition 2:
To use or treat (something) in a way that causes damage .

He abused his body with years of heavy drinking.
He had abused his first car by not taking care of it.
Definition 3:
To use (something) wrongly .

abuse [=misuse] a privilege
She abused her friend’s trust.
A senator who abuses his power
He abused my confidence by letting this secret be known.
Definition 4:
To use too much of (a drug, alcohol, etc.) .

A drug that is abused by many people
He was known to abuse alcohol.
Definition 5:
To attack (someone) in words .

The fans were verbally abusing the referee.

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