Legislative Meeting Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A period of time that is used to do a particular activity see also bull session jam session rap session.

A practice session
Her health insurance will cover 12 one-hour sessions of therapy per year.
A recording/photo session
After the speech there will be a question and answer session. [=a period of time when people can have their questions answered]
Definition 2:
A formal meeting or series of meetings of a group of people (such as a court of law or legislature) count noncount .

The U.N. Special Session on Disarmament
The board met in closed session [=with no one else present] for four hours to discuss the issue.
Congress is in session [=is meeting] right now.
Definition 3:
A period of time during the year in which a school, college, or university has classes count noncount .

I’m going to take classes during the summer session.
School will be back in session at the beginning of September. [=school will start again at the beginning of September]

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